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Susan Miele

Breaking luck is a term that I learned a long time ago from an old friend. It refers to making your first dollar. It is the first time you trade your product or service for money. Getting money makes you feel pretty lucky. When you break into luck with your first buck, the universe opens the gates and now the luck should start to flow right to you. As the saying goes, money goes to money, so this break into luck means you can make more.

This blog is about how regular people that live paycheck to paycheck or close to it can learn how money works in the economy and how we can make IT work for US!

My name is Susan Miele and I am a Certified Financial Counselor. My Financial Literacy Certification simply means I can take all the confusing, boring stuff about math equations and big words and break it down like we were just talking in the car on the way to a concert or something. Math is kind of boring, but once you put a dollar sign ($) in front of that number, it becomes a beautiful, exciting thing that we want to follow wherever it goes. It's a little like putting lipstick on a pig; it's still kinda ugly but now you can at least look at it without getting sick.

So that is where I would like to begin this blog, by finding out where we're at so we can begin to make a budget.

Now some of you might be thinking:

You know how much you make so you don't need to get your check stubs,

You don't know where all those papers are,

You don't do it like this, you can't pay all the bills in the same week,

You usually wait for the ones that come in color, like yellow or red that say "hey, you KNOW we can't keep these lights on without you sending us something!" But here's the real thing:


So go and get all the bills on the counter, the envelope in your car and the number to that collection agency that is on the napkin by the sink and let's get busy.

The importance of realistic budgets and stuff, next time on Breaking Luck.

Before you go, take with you this week's money on my mind moment:

Prioritizing your time gives you the right amount of time for each thing you want to do. When we get our mail from the mail box, we sift out the junk and put the rest in the mail basket for when we have time to go through it. We will not let money get our attention until our families, loved ones and your own balance returns from that hectic day.

Watch the video below to learn more about how Breaking Luck got started.


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